why windows is bad and you should switch to linux..,
now call me a nerd but i HATE windows,, windows comes with a bunch of bullshit you dont need, your data gets sold like candy to random companies, its slow and clunky and everything is closed source. windows cant run on SHIT while you could probably run some lightweight distro on a fucking smart TOASTER if you wanted to.. or even on a fucking dead badger... any distro of linux will be more flexible and secure than a standard install of windows 11, would windows 11 allow you to sudo rm -rf /* it??? i doubt.. besides, does windows have an epic mascot? like seriously.. tux is way better that horrible asymmetric window, if could id smash that window. have you ever tried doing any type of software dev on windows? its like actual hell on earth. i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. also the fact you NEED a microsoft account and a windows license to use the hardware YOU paid for is so so so dumb to me, you shouldnt have to pay and extra tax to use some mediocre piece of software.. thats it for today im getting too pissed im gonna go cuddle tux :3